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[367 / 35 / ?]

ID:QbIDCZTN No.476987489 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Good day /b/

I bring you /b/'s Musical Experiment, 1st attemt. If there's anything that's missing on this board, it's original content, but even more than that, a collaboration in musicality. This thread is an opportunity for all musicianfags on /b/ (I don't care what type of music you make or if you even just snap your fingers) to come together and make a song out of this:


Take it, add a bass line, a drum part, play a sax solo over it, sing or clap your hands, throw in a cowbell, do some beatboxing, add a synth, I really don't care what the fuck you do, but prove to me that you guys can collaborate and make some kickass music!

The rules of this activity are simple:

1) First and foremost, COLLABORATE. If everyone solo's over it, it will sound like shit. It's pretty bare as it stands.

2) Use Audacity (or any audio editing program) to either add to the original or to make your own loop using this guided clicktrack.


One idea is to keep adding to the same file until it's got a lot of parts, but people can also create their own, different material (for a bridge section, for example). You can figure this shit out /b/, you're good at organizing things.

3) All files should be mp3.

4) I dunno, didn't really plan this out very well, we'll see what happens.

The chord symbols are on the sheet music, for those who can't read the notation. They are there for guidance, but let your ears do the work!

(Please be aware of your recording level, and if possible, use good equipment, not your laptop mic)

Let's get this show on the road /b/