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[162 / 107 / ?]

ID:D09T8NDK No.407835816 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I expect to get completely trolled here but here goes...

I'm a pedobear. I am looking for a young girl in Vancouver to tie me up and cut my dick off. I've had this fantasy for a while and I think it might cure my pedo-ness and be exciting too. Any young girls that would be excited to do this?

[email protected]<script type="text/javascript">
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I'll just say I did it to myself or it was an accident or something. You wont get in trouble. If anything, you could just say I tried to rape you.

I'm expecting a ton of troll responses so if you're a young girl in Van looking to rid the world of a pedopenis or feel the excitement of doing such a thing or whatever... Send an email that lets me know why you would want to do it and prove you're actually a girl who would. I don't mind what you look like so long as you're a young girl doing this to me. I don't expect to find someone like this but here goes.

If nothing else, this should be an interesting thread.

>inb4 trap