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[350 / 251 / ?]

ID:KBZ8L4SW No.410225882 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Homeless advice thread.

I found out yesterday that I'm going to be homeless starting Monday, and I'm panicking.

Long story short, I have a car but no job and barely any money for gas or food, in a new town and no support system.

I'm in Kansas, and the cocktail of lithium and antipsychotics I take make the heat particularly dangerous.

I know it's pathetic, but my anxiety is the biggest issue. I've been homeless briefly before--I fixate on being trapped in a shitty situation and completely lock up, and my mind just keeps digging me deeper and deeper.

Second to that is finding a place to shower so I can handle interviews without reeking. I probably don't need to mention that I'm pretty socially-phobic, or else I'd just panhandle.

If I have some sort of plan, some kind of solid productivity day-to-day while avoiding the worst of the heat, I might be able to fend it off and make it through this.

Any advice is appreciated.