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[484 / 72 / ?]

ID:cuvW6Lhk No.433572153 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dear /b/, I intend to suicide at the age of 30, Below I will describe this process in detail.

Firstly, I shall strength train as I will need to be in peak physical condition.
I will have a suit of armor made for me, As well as two claymore type swords(Made to be wielded in two hands)
I will train every day for 6 months, wearing this suit of armor, Swinging these blades (wielding them 1 handed, due to my immense strength at this time.)
After training with this suit of armor and my claymores, I shall go to a gay pride rally, or something of the sorts where there will be thousands of people
I will begin a murderous rampage and not stop until I am dead.

If I ever contract cancer this plan will go into effect immediately, Perhaps with less prep time though.

I am not going to die as a weakling, I will die as a warrior.