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Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.

Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
[168 / 15 / ?]

ID:LbuQXYY6 No.463039084 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Garza tenderly pressed the "on" button of the PC he'd spent three years gathering parts for
>Three long years... in that time he had used what little money his mother could spare on internet cafés in the main city two hours away, just so that he could learn to build his own computer
>As the other patrons used the computers as a convenience, Garza used them as a lifeline
>He stunk, he was grubby and the cafe owner was ashamed to let him use the computers, but Garza kept on going back
>some day he was going to be a game designer, and nothing could stop him- not his father, not poverty, not hunger
>He'd only played a game once, a long time ago on an NES that broke almost immediately after he'd found it
>Although it had been a short journey, Garza knew he would want to go on many more of them
>He'd played ten minutes of Final Fantasy before the old, secondhand (likely thirdhand) NES gave out and never turned on again
>But it was enough.
>Garza was going to be a game designer, no matter what tried to stop him
>Every day he scrounged the garbage dump near his house for anything game related; old posters, cracked covers, absolutely anything
>so far, his room was a graveyard of vidya- torn posters covered every wall, and the prime piece of his collection was a little figure in a green tunic with a shield and sword, poised above the pile of rags that were Garza's bed
>He thought it must have been a great hero of a game he didn't know... he kept the little figure lovingly at his bedside, and imagined the worlds he could explore through the eyes of it
>He would fantasize over finding a colour tv, over perhaps finding an old N64 and perhaps even a single game on it
>All Garza knew of vidya was his collection of junk, and those golden 10 minutes of Final Fantasy, not as the poor kid from Brazil going to starve before he was 20, but as one of the Four Light Warriors, poised to save the world from oblivion.

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