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Anime Characters Are Asians

No.1435793 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

This is the MAIN reason why when we Asian cosplaying Anime characters we Asian look more better or look like the Anime characters we cosplayed, not to mention we Asian are the one who make ALL Anime so of course we Asian will use ourselves as our own Anime characters instead of using other peoples to benefit us Asians instead of other peoples.

I found it very lame and pathetic when there is someone especially a non Asian who said how our Anime characters are american, western or other non Asians, for what benefit we Asian will get if we make our Anime characters based on american, westerner or other non Asians?
To make more and more peoples visit the american, western or the other non Asian land rather than our own Asian land?
Because of Anime there are more and more peoples interested to visit Asian countries especially Japan.
To make more and more peoples wish they are american, westerner or other non Asians rather than wish they are Asian?
Because of Anime there are more and more peoples who are not Asian wish they are Asian.

I also found most Anime fans who are not Asian to have Asian fetish or the feeling of want to be with or marry with Asian because they want to make their fantasy over certain Anime characters to come true rather than they want to be with or marry with their own american, western peoples. This is the most evident of how Anime characters are Asians and not american, western or other non Asians. So there is NO benefit we Asian will get if we make our Anime characters based on american, westerner or other non Asians.

For more detailed informations about Anime characters facial and body form that resembles Asians facial and body form then click http://www.asia-anime.net/what-is-anime/Anime-Characters-Are-Asians.htm