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Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.

Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
[15 / 2 / ?]

No.4392047 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay, so I've been meaning to start a thread about this for a while.
I really like the idea and style of Lolita, but I don't know where to start. I'm a cosplayer, and I've been lurking this board for a while now, and it seems like all the Lolitas care about is brand and whatnot, I really prefer to make my own dresses and such, but I don't know, will it be too looked down on?
Also my favorite styles are fairy kei and country lolita, so are there any tips on how to do these styles without people thinking it's too Ita? I really do thank you all in advance!