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[41 / 4 / ?]

No.4395433 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey /cgl/ I was wondering, since I prefer to cosplay antagonists from anime, manga, comic books, movies, and television shows, I like looking for others cosplaying 'bad guys/girls' as well.

Inevitably, coming across a certain type of antagonist, one thing is, why the hell would you cosplay any character that wears a Nazi uniform (like captain Hans or Schrödinger or Colonel Hans) and strip it of anything affiliated with Nazi Germany? That's the core reason you depict them as "evil," isn't it, disregarding personality? If you're too scared to wear it then why would you even try unless the character doesn't have the swastika to begin with. So, can I see some people here that DO go all the way? And do it right, not just random jacket/pants with medals and crap stuck on it?

inb4 nazi fetish plz. No I don't have one, I'm just not very PC and PC doesn't influence my decision to cosplay villains, or anything else for that matter.. Also I guess a debate about why the fuck anyone still worries about it in this day and age. Seriously, it's only a costume. people don't sodomize Mel Brooks, Tom Cruise, or Tarantino for going anywhere near the subject.

Pic related, it's MFW military uniforms are the easiest thing to buy/find/make and yet still very few can't even do that right omitting a select few details. I'm a detail-obsessed kinda person.