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No.2778759 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dear assholes who scared me into thinking that yogurt was super complicated to make and that I couldn't do it without a special machine when I posted a couple weeks ago: fuck you, I have made yogurt very easily. In fact, it's pretty much the easiest thing in the world to do.

For those interested follow these steps. Ancient goat herders figured this shit out thousands of years ago, so I'm pretty sure you all can do it.

1. Bring half gallon of milk to 180 degrees F over medium high heat
2. Take off heat, let cool to 110 degrees F
3. Add yogurt with live cultures
4. Cover and wrap in towels/blankets/coats whatever, to keep it warm.
5. Come back 4-6 hours later and you have yogurt.
Optional step: strain it overnight to get greek yogurt.

Boom. Done. Cheap ass yogurt. and you don't need anything other than the shit you have in your house. Eat a rock, haters.