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dumb shit parents that can't feed their kids

!AXguybfBVE No.2811617 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anyone got any good stories of their or other parents?

>work as housekeeper for fat white lady (also member of local Tea Party)
>she has a 3 year old son, kid is scrawny looking
>find empty cans of kid's chef boyardee in the kitchen every week, half eaten kid cuisine microwave meals, kid's animal plates of microwavable egg rolls, instant fried rice, bowls of chili
>no signs of any vegetables whatsoever
>kid only drinks fruit juice, fruit juice, and fruit juice, top shelf of fridge is filled with NOTHING but fruit juice boxes
>for a snack he can have diced fruit in heavy syrup, or welch's fruit snacks
>will only eat if he's parked in his "eating desk" in front of the TV (it's a actual toddler's activity desk, not a high chair)
>mfw that kid is gonna grow up with the shittiest immune system ever

another story:
>aunt wonders why little cousin hates pineapple. "om-nom it's good!!"
>forces kid who just turned 2 to take a bite, chew. swallow. kid starts cying, asking for water
>"quit being spoiled Jessica, ugh!"
>kid walks by me, massaging tongue with her fingers.
>I ask her to sit with me, she does. I ask if her tongue hurts.
>"mm-hmm, pica" pica is spanish for, "it stings"
>check her tongue, it's red with small white dots
>run to kitchen to tell aunt her child is allergic to pineapple.
>"it's only fruit blah blah blah"
>dad walks in, aunt asks him if people can be allergic to pineapple
>dad gives her a "you gotta be shitting me" look