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No.699211 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Stress. We can feel it almost every day - when we’re scared, or when we’re in tense. Stress is a body’s response to difficulties, whether it’s someone chasing us or a task to be done. We feel it, because when we’re scared, body produces lots of adrenaline. When it’s the so-called “primitive stress”, this hormone is released at once, thus providing us with some extra power to run. When we feel the modern stress, though, the adrenaline levels are higher than usual all the time. It is not healthy, because as adrenaline is a stimulant, it stresses our body: heart, liver, blood vessels and mind. It’s not actually very helpful, when we need to do a task that we need to think over. Adrenaline stops the major functions of brain, or, to be precise, changes the whole brain to think of “flight or fight”. I’m pretty sure nobody has ever tried doing maths being chasen by a tiger or a bear. This applies to modern stress too: the more we are stressed, the more difficult it is to think about the solution for the problem.
The best ways of lowering the stress? Proper diet is surely very important.
Proper diet and use of nutrients is very important. We don’t even understand how easily every thing we eat changes our mood, and our body.
The less sugar and fat we eat, the better our brain works overall. When we eat sugar, or caffeine, our brain is working “better” - but for a short period of time, after which it needs time to recover. The more we stress it, the less the overall performance of it will be.