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[17 / 3 / ?]

No.25549519 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
DC fag here. Lately I've been really interested in the Silver Surfer(and to an extent, all of Cosmic Marvel), but I have two questions about the Surfer that I just can't seem to figure out. Maybe somebody who's more experienced in the Marvel Universe can help me:

1) Alright, so Norrin is Galactus' herald, which means he's also his servant, right? Yet, somehow Galactus is still Norrin's villain, and Norrin will fuck around with Galactus' shit when he does stuff that he doesn't like. My question is how? Isn't Norrin's power completely dependent on Galactus? He could take Norrin's power away any time he wants to and just give it to somebody else, right? How could the Silver Surfer ever serve as a potential threat to Galactus?

2) So, what's the deal with the surfboard. Is that just something that Norrin created with his mind when he was first granted the Power Cosmic? If Galactus had chosen somebody else for his herald, would he have gotten a cosmic surfboard too? I noticed that not all of Galactus' heralds use surfboards.