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[100 / 13 / ?]

!cRnMwNDwcs No.27488085 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay, have an interesting theory about Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame.

What if the whole movie was a slam to all "nice guys"? Most people who watch the movie will bitch about how Quasimodo didn't get the girl because he was "ugly". Well, I realized that Quasimodo actually is a "nice guy", and that's why the Gypsy girl didn't go for him. Quasi clearly hates himself from Frollo's abuse. And it's also why he wants Frollo's approval. Also, the guy is insane and delusional, since it's implied Quasi actually moves the (annoying) Gargoyles around and talks to them. They even sing to him later!! He had so many chances to stand up to Frollo's shit and even kill him by just dropping him, but he doesn't. (Except once near the end). In short, poor Quasi is meant to be pitied, even for not having the spine to just ask his love interest out. But his kind, sweet demeanor is what a nice guy is. Before he snaps, and becomes what Frollo is.