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[172 / 22 / ?]

!8VYJWGD20Q No.36310160 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here's a few excerts of the Script of "Justice League: Mortal", a unproduced Live-Action movie from 2007.

>The script opens on Superman's shield, but it's black. He's floating over Metropolis, wearing an all black costume. We hear tolling bells. Metropolis is all but deserted, and at a cathedral, a funeral crowd of thousands upon thousands watches Superman descend. Superman joins other black clad figures with their heads bowed, who can only be made out by glimpses of their iconic symbols and elements of their costumes. WONDER WOMAN. GREEN LANTERN. THE FLASH. AQUAMAN. THE MARTIAN MANHUNTER. All except for a familiar Caped Crusader, and there's a lone coffin there near the heroes.

>Wonder Woman gives a eulogy that is poetic, flowing, and powerful.

WONDER WOMAN: But we also know... Those of us who come from different lands... Different worlds... We know where truth lies. Where peace can be found. Where justice is. We know, because he taught us... It is in the human heart.

>The superheroes then act as pallbearers, and lay one of their own to rest.