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[1155532697] Negro Anthropology

No.8584 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My political opinion is based on the facts which are used to develop utilitarian policies. I am also a meritocrat, so I do not discriminate based on race. I have been informed by a liberal that I should not look at anthropological facts involving the differences between different genetic groups of humans as I am subconsciously racist and will go out and commit hate crimes if I were to look at the facts. This illogical opinion was done with sincerity so I am sure that the liberal was not a troll. I believe it is the individual's responsibility to do his bit for ideas which are collective in nature so as a result I am going to take interest in anthropology and compile facts that liberals do not wish me to see as a form of resistance against extremism. This is my motivation, if liberals were not such ass wads I would be doing something else.

Observably negro skulls are much more different than caucasian and mongoloid skulls.

Sub-saharra Africa is barren of any archaeology until 1000 AD, whereas caucasians and mongoloids began to leave substantial evidence of civilisation during the bronze ages, even in central america which was completely cut off from the rest of the world which can be contrasted with africa which was influenced by arabs since early history.

The civilisations on the coast of the indian ocean and the Nile were all heavily influenced by the arabs and despite their substantial influence, civilisation never spread further than the arab trading posts and the Nile until around 1000 AD.

The out of Africa theory is correct and it means that the evolution of sub-saharran humans has remained closer to equilibrium than those humans who left africa who had a stronger impetus to evolve to the new environment. This is congruent with the scientific fact that the caucasian and mongoloid race are much more closely related to each other than either are related to negroes and their similiar skull shapes and cranial cavities.

While there are no sub-species (races) within humanity, there are wide genetic differences which are congruent between groups that are socially considerred to be races. And it has been genetically proven that mongoloids and caucasians have diverged from negroes by around 5000 generations, whilst asians and whites have diverged by 2000 generations from each other and of course had the impetus to evolve due to the new environments they were facing.
