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No.152723 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I have this new clan for Vampire The Masquerade.
I haven't come up with a name yet, so maybe you guys would help me on that.

These members were secretly the very first descendants of Khain (or however you spell it), which means that basically members of this clan cannot die. If you kill them, they just respawn, and if their spawnpoint is blocked or unsafe for some reason, they just respawn elsewhere. ...so these guys have lived so long that they've gone insane from the boredom of living forever, so a big part of their unlives, they spend looking for final death.

As they cannot die, they've outgrown the need and craving for blood, so they've lost the ability to drink it, and their fangs have retracted over the ages. They've also grown resistant to sunlight. One would think that that wouldd make them perfect infiltrators amongst the humans, but the members of this clan always sport these constant inhuman grins that are somehow only visible to vampires.

The clan believes that by becoming one with human society, then can achieve humanity, andd thereby final death. This means trying their outmost to follow the norms, morals and laws of human society, and try to get along with humans as much as possible. A member who breaks a human law of his society, is cast out from the clan in shame.

Their vampiric powers centers around sensory bedazzlement.
All generations will unmistakingly glitter when exposed to sunlight, with can strike wonder into the weak-mnded.
Some high generation members can create rainbows, the most powerful being able to create double rainbows, stretching all the way.

For pets, this clan will often own a special kind of cat, that can fly, leaving behind a trail of rainbows. It's called a nyan-cat, and is a sign of wealth amongst clan members.

So what do you guys think? You should probably ask your GM if you can roll a member of this clan the next time you play. You will probably rock everyone's socks off, vampiricly speaking.

TL;DR: Penis.