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[1145090017] how do i shot web

No.24176 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Phrase started by Natural Selection players; in NS, one of the alien races can actually shoot spider webs as a weapon. One day, some goons were playing NS when a lot of newbies and clueless people were on the server, and "how do i shot web" was one of the questions that kept coming up. Someone took a screenshot, posted it to FYAD, and it went from there. Most commonly seen on /b/ as an image macro, featuring Spider-Man holding out his arms in an "I dunno..." gesture; this later inspired a series of shopped images, including one with a Japanese newscaster holding out his arms in the same gesture (along with Spider-Man and a number of anime characters), and a meme where a picture of a falling person is shopped to say "Hey Spider-Man, how do I shot web?" (with Spider-Man replying "dunno, lol"). See also "¯\(º_o)/¯" (below).