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[319 / 80 / ?]

!!kfdlX/lnWqq No.10619401 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This just happened today, and I had to share

>Work in the shittastic doldrum that is retail
>Be on store floor straightening shit and makin store look good
>See antique ambulocetus playing pretend/having a tea party with her normal looking granddaughter
>Little girl turns around and shouts to mother checking out at the register, "Mommy you want cake?"
>Mom: "What was that sweetie?"
>I turn to look at mother at register
>Girl repeats "Mommy you want cake?
>Mom: "YEAH I want some cake! Wait, mom, does she really have cake or is it pretend?"
>Grambulocetus mutters: "pretend"
>Mom: "Aww, I really want some cake now..."r
>mfw this entire ordeal is going on
>mfw a coworker had a birthday and we had cake in the break room
>mfw I was thinking, this cant be happening

For real, the woman thought her daughter might have magically materialized cake she could eat, and probably went and ate one herself after

captcha: utterly weirie