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Good New Routine?

No.7213975 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /fit/, I just wrote up a new routine for myself. I've been lifting for 6 months and need something new after SS/WS4SB. I'm 5'10, 170lbs. 5RM's; Bench - 205, Squat - 245, DL - 295, OHP - 125. Looking to do a little Bodybuilding during my semi-cut leading into the summer months;

Day One - Bench Press/Tricep Day

A. Bench Press - 3x5
B. Weighted Dips - 5x8
C. Skull Crushers+Close Grip Bench Press - 5x8
D. Tricep Pushdowns - 5x8

Day Two - Deadlift/Back/Bicep Day

A. Deadlift - 3x5
B. Barbell Rows - 5x8
c. Good Mornings - 5x8
D. Barbell Curls - 4x8