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Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.

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/h/ Education thread

!JD2r9bRTlg No.1392879 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Inspired by this thread >>1392858 wherein anon admits, quite proudly, that they don't give a damn about artist names or groups or whatever.

I'm sure it's not the ONLY reason, but it seems like getting some info on artists and circles out there might make alleviate the SAUCESAUCESAUCE situation that has made /h/ a chore to browse these days.

I will be posting artist/circle/sample art for some of my favorite works and I hope you'll join me. Sources and links will be provided when available.

I'm not claiming to know this stuff perfectly so if I fuck up, correct me so that everyone is getting the right info.

Yes there will be lots of reposts, but the purpose isn't to post brand new shit, it's to post all the really good stuff that people might've seen and wondered about but never pursued.

TL;DR Post artists and circles you like with art samples and links for reference

Source is Sago-Jou - Nekotama Vol.2
Sago-Jou's stuff is usually concerned with large to huge tits and dicks, lots of girls tearing up during sex, and lots of internals. If you lean more towards the /d/ side of things, check out "Ayafuya Rocket".