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[20 / 0 / ?]

No.286190 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I haven't finished fucking anything in literally two years, and I've only actually attempted to color three times in that same period. I get frustrated and give up if it doesn't look exactly the way I want it to, and when "what I want" is a fucking Da Vinci painting, I get absolutely nowhere. I figured I'd just fuck around and find some method of coloring that works well enough to hold more than my semi-annual attention (hence the shitty lines + really shitty attempt at painting that do not belong anywhere near eachother) and allow me to actually get practice.

Anyway, looking for anatomu crit and then who was folds? before I continue to ruin the rest of this shit. Lines below the neck are part of my sketch and I am going to redo them all, so ignore their quality or lack thereof.

Character is supposed to look really fucking gay, the fairy faggotry is intentional.