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[22 / 0 / ?]

No.287297 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /ic/.

I have decided that I would like to learn to draw well, with the intention of being able to create original work across multiple media. I have no experience beyond two years of high school 'art' class which was quite a few years ago.

To begin with I have decided to learn how to sketch portraits, scince I feel that this goal will keep me interested and is a cool skill, and so far it has. I began by finding some interesting looking wallpapers and pics of people that might make good reference photos and I have done 5 sketches so far, each has been an improvement on the last.

The first few sketches were pretty bad and have some major flaws so I'm not going to post them, instead this is the 5th sketch.

What areas should I keep in mind to work on for number 6?

I am especially having trouble with the initial proportioning of the face. I was using a method starting with a shpere, drawing the centre line, cutting off the sides and then making the jaw but I have found that this only makes a rough 'face' shape which requires alot of adjustment and erasings before the line-art matches the reference.