Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.

Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
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No.290674 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i cant believe people on da says photography isn't art. i told them they were wrong but they make fun of me intead, it's really unfair.
i believe people aren't allowed to use hateful speech against people. i feel insulted that the da admins let people get away with calling me a psychotic retard and other things and people in the complaints are saying I am a hypocrite with no rights, just because I'm trying to defend myself. I really need help.