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No.948686 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have an idea for the sickest tattoo ever but I can't draw for shit. It is, in essence a wizard riding a dragon. But this is no ordinary dragon. It's a double headed dragon that shoots flames from one mouth and ice from the other. The wizard is also (as you may have already guessed) no normal wizard. He forgoes the use of faggy wands. His tool being the electric guitar. I know what you're thinking. Yes, it's a double neck guitar. He plays the top neck with his own hands and he plays the bottom neck with magical ghost hands that he conjured (one of which is a snake). Also there's lightning shooting out of the top of the guitar. The whole thing is encircled and then encircled again by like runes or something and then encircled again for good measure.

So, any help?