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[28 / 4 / ?]

No.7286455 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm in love with my older sister.

Yeh, thats right, go ahead and laugh at me. I dont really care, I only came here to tell you guys because a lot of the old nightshift of /a/ post here, and those guys are ok.

I just can't think of any way to deal with this, I genuinely love her. I want to smex her up so badly, I want to hold her afterwards, I want to tell her everything is going to be ok and that her ex's are nothing like me, that i'd take care of her and so on.

I love the fact our interests are so similar (anime) yet so different at the same time (she considers trigun to be her greatest anime ever, for me it's cowboy bebop - and we constantly argue about this).

But I can never tell her any of this, thats why I'm telling you /jp/, because I'm so fucked up, I could never love another girl apart from her.

(I'm 20 and she's 23 by the way).