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No.13678689 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: Good stories old veterans have told you about their time in service and related things.

>many of years ago when I was still a teenager
>renovating the house with my father
>we'd invite our old neighbor over to help out
>he was a former Marine who saw loads of action in Korea
>spend a couple of days doing the drywall
>one day comes over without his usual knife for cutting the drywall
>"You forgot your knife today?"
>pulls out a big fucking bayonet
>"I figured if it was good enough to cut through 15 men in Korea it's good enough to cut dry wall

>friend's grandfather telling us a story
>during the Battle of the Bulge
>his grandfather gets sent to do some recon ahead of the line with some other men
>c.o thinks they're probably surrounded like the rest of the troops are reporting
>snow and cold as fuck
>taking positions in the middle of nowhere in the snowy forest, they hear some twigs break in the distance
>they take cover and wait
>a couple of Germans anxiously hurrying by, no proper winter gear and only small arms
>they think this is weird and quickly ambush and detain them
>the Germans make no effort to escape, they explain their tank broke down on the advance and they're trying to make it back
>buddy's grandfather and his men realize they can't take these guys back and if they let them go they'll probably freeze
>gives one of the Germans his coat, he says thank you and they all part ways
>2 weeks later on the advance into what was a fierce battle for a small heavily defended town buddy's grandfather and his squad find a Tiger tank that had put up some incredible resistance
>tank had taken 8 hits before the 9th penetrated and cut down the crew
>goes to the back of the tank
>German soldier he had helped lay dead from an amputated leg
>was still wearing the jacket he was given
>buddy's grandfather started crying