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/k/ Dad stories

!yV1dD/fQh6 No.11131252 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I haven't seen one of these in a while, so lets get a /k/ related dad story. Because let's face it our dads are pretty awesome. (And if your dad was a cunt to you, take solace in the fact you can be a better dad then he was.)

>Be 1998
>Dad had been Honorably Discharged from the Marines
>Landed a job at the Arizona Department of Corrections
>Gets home after first week of work
>Dad decides to turn on ESPN and watch some sports news before heading to bed.
>Arabic neighbors start fighting again
>It's the third time this week
>Dad's about to head to bed when there's frantic knocking at the door
>He reluctantly answers
>Arabic wife is absolutely hysterical, switching between Arabic and English when talking
>Wife's general emotional response (pic related)
>From what dad can piece together, the neighbor's cunt-bag son has shown up demanding money for his habit
>Arabic dad has had enough of his shit, puts his foot down
>Son flips his shit, this issue escalates outside
>Son smashes the front windshield of his dads cab
>Wife NOPES and goes for help
>By the time dad gets there, the son has pulled a gun on his dad.