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[120 / 35 / ?]

WWII Nose-Gunner Notebook

!!A99pWgxVaX4 No.12508533 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You guys like WWII stuff, right? I have a little treat for you.

Recently, my Grandpa passed away. Veteran of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. During WWII he was the nose-gunner on the B-24 Liberator. He kept this little notebook throughout the war where he wrote down all of his missions(there's 27 of them total.) I came into possession of it, and thought it was incredibly interesting to read. Needless to say, I scanned each of the pages to share with you guys.

Also, his handwriting isn't the best(he WAS only 18 when he went overseas), so I'll be typing up what each page says in my post. So, it might be a couple minutes between posts. There are some words that I still haven't been able to understand, so maybe some of you will be able to figure it out. Illegible words will be replaced by "[word]", or something in brackets.

ANYWAYS, let's start this(I've blacked out his middle and last name):


"Gordon [middle and last name]


in case of emergency destroy by FIRE

1. Dec. 28, 1944
Venzone, Italy

no flak, no engine trouble, o.k.
today we are rookies

Ship #19"


Side note, I think the whole "destroy by FIRE" line is pretty funny.