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[340 / 66 / ?]

No.12918950 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here's a story 'bout a retard...

>have a family get together at uncles house
>one of my aunts brings her 13 year old retard son
>son isn't ACTUALLY retarded, at least according to every psych test ever thrown at the fucker
>still does a shitload of stupid, autistic and borderline clinically retarded shit
>also rabid CoDfag turned MoH fag ever since Warfighter was announced
>uncle has a large 650 pound gun safe
>naturally, Retardo, as I like to call him is constantly badgering my uncle to give him some of his guns
>actually give, not let him hold it for 2 minutes
>anyway, entire family is at uncles house, derping around the yard, barbecuing shit
>Retardo is nowhere to be seen, nobody gives a fuck
>suddenly, a very loud, bone resonating THUMP is heard
>entire yard, 30+ people goes dead quiet
>I look at my dad, dad look at uncle, uncle looks at me
>all three of us realize instantly that the only thing capable of making that particular sound would be oh...the sound of a massive gun safe tipping over
>we know this is a reasonable assumption from dealing with Retardo for years
>suddenly a bitch-like yelp is heard
>the three of us briskly walk into the house, up the stairs to the 2nd floor
