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[13 / 4 / ?]

No.8763716 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
TLDR at the bottom
As a disclaimer, I only lurk /k/ occasionally, am 19 years old, and don't own any firearms. I have shot my dad's .38, but my firearm / military experience is embarrassingly limited.

Brace for intensely long story-question:
Been thinking about enlisting more and more since I got out of high school.
The thing that entices me is the idea of combat, I can't for the life of me figure out why, but the idea of being a soldier in a shithole fighting for my life seems like how a man should live his life. The modern day warrior is how I look at it. However whenever I think of this I talk myself out of it for various and obvious reasons, like 'being in the military isn't what you think it is', 'you probably won't ever see combat anyway', 'you'll just end up signing your life away and hating that decision for the rest of your service', 'you don't have the balls for the military', etc.. Probably 90% of the responses to this will be something I thought of to tell myself enlisting is a terrible idea.

-----TLDR: Thinking of joining the military, reasons why and why not