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[65 / 33 / ?]

What is wrong with you people?

No.8789149 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was out eating dinner with a friend from high school, she's been away for a few years, got married, she's a short girl, always quiet, thought she was pretty cool back when. Anyway, I was out with her and her HUSBAND. Who she INSISTED come along. I meet this guy, who is some bearded jackass in a suit. (Who wears a suit nowadays?) Tall guy, smoker, refused to drink for some reason. Yuck. What does she see in this guy?

Then it happens, he gets up to use the restroom, kisses her on the forehead on the way up and I see it.

He's got a fucking gun on him. Don't know what kind, just some kinda gun in his weird suspender holster thing. He just keeps going so I naturally, ask my friend "Why does he have that? Is he a cop? A criminal?"

"No, he just carries a gun for protection"

That's so retarded, how do you justify carrying a handgun around in every day life like it's "No big deal", I brought it to his attention when he got back and he just sort of shrugged and said "Oh shit, guess I gotta position it different or keep my jacket buttoned more huh? Hahahah"

Why does this nice artistic girl go for some tall asswipe with a GUN and probably anger issues (He talked about the gym he goes to lately and shit like that, big lifter type...you know the kind)

I know none of you really own these guns, right? But if you do, you don't ACTUALLY take them out in public places?

Rant over, I will go back to /v/ now.