At any given moment, thousands of men are standing by themselves around bars and clubs all across the globe...
... trying to find some hot girl to bring home for the night, or next week.
Or maybe they're running around on the street, trying to "game" unsuspecting ladies walking by.
It's an interesting game. Fascinating, even.
But ultimately an inefficient one. It doesn't have any longevity.
But unbeknownst to them... a quiet group of underground "social engineers" have been secretly infiltrating society's elite, top-class social circles over the past few years... and living life large...
... in bed with supermodels and actresses... going to exclusive, invite-only events... red carpets... and getting taken on round-the-world trips...
It's all based on the teachings of Social Circle Wizard Greg Greenway.
Greg came to the US with only three phone numbers in my pocket... and within 3 months, he had been invited to the Playboy Mansion as a guest, had the Governor of California buy him a $2,000 Whiskey, and was taken to Tahiti on a private jet with 7 extraordinarily beautiful women.
This is a whole other life that very few men ever imagined possible.
What if you could exponentially boost your social influence with every person you met?
What if you could start from nothing... and systematically design your ultimate lifestyle...
...and start getting invited to hang out on the red carpet... and get into the high end nightclubs for free...
...where because of your social status, they'll hook you up with VIP tables and free drinks...
... and you regularly met and dated TRUE "Perfect 10s" like supermodels and actresses?
Sound impossible?
What if I told you it was not only possible, but that you could do it in
only a couple of weeks?
This is unlike nothing you have ever seen.
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