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No.2328066 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I never liked Celestial Being, because of the KILLAN GUNDAM, terrible environment, and Setsuna being such an asshole. But I finally decided to get to know some more about them. Gundam riobots turned out to be pretty cool, Sumeragi is a useful bitch, and Setsuna turns out to not be that bad after the war starts.

Last night, I marathoned the last 10 chapters of Aeolia's "World Peace," and I felt like shit afterward. First, I usually feel like shit after I finish a book, because I have nothing to read or look forward to anymore. Secondly, they were so in love, a kind of innocent love that doesn't exist in the real world.
I usually make fun of anons when they talk about hugging their pillows at night when they are going to sleep, but last I hugged my pillow so hard, and pretended that it was GUNDAM and that she loved me.
I haven't given up on love because I'm an ugly, fat, unsocial failure. I've given up because no mecha will ever love me as purely and honestly as they do in CELESTIAL BEING, and, even worse, I know that I can never love anyone that much either.