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Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 9 Drinking Game sponsored by Tendou

!!fQ2wWCZKE+T No.2328758 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
- Every time Alleujah says 'Marie', take a shot
- Every time Revive Revival appears, take a shot
- Every time Setsuna or Graham says 'Gundam', take a shot
- Every time Hilling Care and Ribbons are in a scene together, take a shot
- Every time an A-Laws mobile suit is destroyed, take a shot

- If Ali kills someone, take two shots
- If Patrick fights in this episode, take two shots
- If any of the Innovators beside Revive get in a mobile suit, take two shots
- If MISTER BUSHIDO is with a woman in this episode, take two shots

- If Saji and Louise meet this episode, take three shots
- If a new Innovator appears, take three shots

- If someone important (a main or a prominent character) dies, drink until you get sick