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[23 / 15 / ?]

No.6378932 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, /m/ this will probably be a weird thread, but I'm not sure where else to put it and know /m/ likes jets and other things. And it doesn't quite feel right to toss onto /tg/, although I might do that eventually.

Anyway, I've had a few old projects under one name because I hate making names for things, and have recently decided to drag them out of the mothballs. I'll be posting in the hopes of finding an audience and generating discussion, which always seems to help me figure shit out.

The first little idea is some sort of story-writing project that might become other things involving jet airplanes, child-soldiers piloting them, and a sort of Ace Combat feel to things, with a not-quite Earth setting, different technology, and airplanes seem to be available anywhere regardless of nation of origin. It'd probably end up Ace Combat 3 feeling, with some more high-tech elements and other weirdness. I'd run this as an RPG, but all the rules to run airplane combat either suck or I've never seen them.

The other project is semi-related, and more an attempt a doing some sort of mecha musume based tabletop RPG. I'm mostly just terrible at coming up with rules systems so it's on hold indefinitely. I probably won't be saying much about this.