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Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
[335 / 0 / ?]

No.4596541 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>be in college
>have a few of the pony blindbags on my dresser. In the back, it's not terribly noticeable.
>live in dorms, have pretty average roommate
>he's pretty overweight, a neckbeard, but a nice guy I guess
>we don't talk much. Not that we hate each other, we just have little in common
>he's a huge gamer, usually spends all his free time in the dorm
>I'm usually out studying/hanging with friends
>I suspected nothing odd about him
>one day I have to retrieve some papers I forgot on my desk
>get up to the door, swipe card
>walk in
>roommate is sitting on the ground, with nothing but stained underwear on, playing with my blindbag toys
>origami boxes are laid about, as a stand in for buildings
>he looks shocked for a moment, but then he springs up, grabs a notebook from his desk, and shoves it into my hands
>he starts yelling about how I'm a liar
>I look at the notebook
>it's a log of every time I entered and exited the dorm, going back four weeks
>he's still yelling, demanding to know why I'm in the dorm at this "unheard of" hour
>I say nothing
>I grab my papers
>I walk out of the door
>I close the door
>I haven't been back to the dorm or him for a few hours now

I'm at a loss. What should I do here.