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Washington State Considering Fuel Efficiency Tax

No.664507 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Washington state jumps on the green wagon and is considering a bill that will tax citizens based on the EPA’s fuel efficiency ratings of their vehicle, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

Senate Bill 6923 would impose an excise tax to aid (or replace the gas tax) in the state’s falling gas tax revenues – due to the high cost of gas, and popularity of fuel-efficient vehicles. Toyota Prius owners would pay roughly $60 annually, while Hummer H2 owners would pay $180.

Senator Ed Murray, D-Seattle, said, “The (governor’s) climate advisory team said that the biggest global warming problem in this state is actually from transportation. “We have fairly clean industry, so we have to be careful that we don’t get into the situation where we’re punishing a few industries when the problem is actually the number of automobiles. This legislation finally takes into account global warming to the responsibility of owning a vehicle.”
