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Lawyer fears 'non-lethal' Tasers could kill Aborigines

No.665600 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The president of the Northern Territory Criminal Lawyers Association is calling for a delay in the issue of Taser guns to central Australian communities.

John Lawrence says because of poor health conditions, many people in Aboriginal communities would be at a greater risk of harm or death caused by the stun guns.

Northern Territory police have purchased 74 Tasers and are currently training officers how to use them.

Mr Lawrence says although Tasers are officially classified as non-lethal weapons, more research needs to be done before they are introduced in the NT.

"We are genuinely concerned that because of the health of the Aboriginal people in communities in general being ... inferior to non-Aboriginal [people], the prospects of them being zapped by one of these things could mean serious, serious harm if not death," he said.

'BUT REMEMBER WE'RE NOT RACISTS!' said the racial apartheidists who want tasers for the abos but not for mainstream Australia