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Racial split in Louisiana’s Democratic primary

No.672937 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
McCain has trouble among highly religious voters

Blacks helped Barack Obama against Hillary Rodham Clinton in Louisiana's racially polarized Democratic primary Saturday, while John McCain made little headway among the most conservative, highly religious voters as he battled Mike Huckabee in their first head-to-head Republican matchup, exit polls found.

Blacks were nearly half the Democratic primary electorate, and Obama racked up one of his largest margins yet among them. He won nearly nine in 10 blacks, male and female, according to the exit polls for The Associated Press and television networks.

Most other Democratic voters were white and Clinton won them by about 40 points, a margin she has met or exceeded only in Alabama, Tennessee and her former home state of Arkansas among 19 Democratic primaries surveyed this year.

Continuing a pattern seen in other Southern states, Obama won only three in 10 white men and did no better among white women. Outside the South, Obama has tended to win far more votes from white men than white women, who have been one of Clinton's strongest groups in nearly every primary so far.
