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Pentagon Plots Sim Iraq for Propaganda Tests

No.677277 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Office of the Secretary of Defense is trying to figure out how to beat jihadists in the propaganda war. One tool they figure could help: a computer model of "Human, Social, and Cultural Behavior" in Middle Eastern locales. OSD isn't the first arm of the Pentagon looking to build its version of Sim Iraq. But this is the first one I've heard of that focuses in on the touchy subject of strategic communications.

The OSD's new "Human, Social, and Cultural Behavior Modeling" program is looking for ways to combine "game-based, agent-based, [or] systems dynamics" sims (and maybe even "cellular automata") into a virtual country close enough to real that it can "validate and verify interactions against real world scenarios."

By running these Sim Iraqis around, OSD hopes to get a better understand of:

>how people communicate; what avenues of communication are traditionally trusted; who in that culture holds power and influence; how do tribal and trade associations interact; and where/how can societal behaviors contribute to options for stability and reduction in conflict potential.


I wonder how long before they find an excuse to use this on US citizens.