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[15 / 4 / ?]

No.696641 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The European Union is attempting something unprecedented here.

>In defiance of Russia, Serbia's closest ally, it is sending an army of technocrats to try to pull off the root-and-branch transformation of a country that has not functioned for decades.

>The task will take years: a sustained, long term commitment to "nation-building".

>This is the EU moving onto new foreign policy ground; the EU as exporter of democratic values and practices, much as the US and its allies are trying to do in Iraq and Afghanistan.

>One stark difference is that Europe's invasion force is dressed in suits and carrying briefcases and technocratic expertise.

>The task the EU has taken on in Kosovo is bold and ambitious: it aims to build a model European democracy, almost from scratch, on the ruins of defunct Serbian hegemony, in the heart of the Balkan peninsular.


And they will fail so hard. One should tell the EU that you can't teach a mutt to wipe its own ass, and to enjoy their Islamic failed state.