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[6 / 1 / ?]

No.270772 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/n/, I have a confession.

I never learned how to ride a bike as a kid.

My family was really poor growing up. A bike was more of a liability. Luckily, my schools from elementary up through high school were all within walking distance.

Anyway, now that I'm better off, and have a job, I want to buy a bike and ride it to work and other such places. I have a few questions, though.

A. What bike is best for city riding? I live in an apartment downtown, so I need something small and light.

B. How should I go about learning to ride this bike? I live in southern Texas, so hills are a no-go.

I'm looking for something in a $100-$300 price range, but I can go over if the bike is especially exceptional.

Thanks in advance.