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!O3BJcajpbg No.8692381 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's have a good old shop lifting thread.

Tips, stories, all that shit.

Usually if I'm shoplifting I'll go to a super-store kind of place like Wal-Mart or Zellers that has a washroom. If it has a washroom it's just way too easy, just grab the shit and go into the washroom, unpackage it there and pocket it.

If it doesn't have a washroom I just go to an isle that won't have cameras, or the ones there are fake, like the bicycle section and open it up there.

If you really do get caught, just run. Sometimes people say "Oh they aren't legally allowed to do anything if you just walk out and let the alarms go off" which is true, but they will chase you anyway.

I steal most of my stuff, medicine is especially easy to steal, and have only been caught once where I just ran.