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/r9k/ Revival Thread

No.4168323 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gentleman's thread, all you /r9k/stars.

ITT: Random thread where we are completely sincere, serious, and yet light-hearted about everything, with no sarcasm or back-biting comments whilst keeping an uplifted chin even in the moodiest of weather. OC or rare pics appreciated.

Optional; Discuss what you would do given the keys to the universe that allow you to manipulate the laws of physics. Or, a stretchy hand that never got dirty or rips.

Personally, I would invent a party game with a stretchy hand, wherein it is hidden the day beforehand, and during the game if found, your goal is to pass it onto someone else unknowingly.

Idea #1: If you get caught "red-handed", you have to be the one to bring all the alcohol to the next party.

Idea #2: Whoever finds it gets to plant it on someone else, and if they find it on their person, they must either furtively pass it on, or get caught, they essentially must take 1-3 shots. They must then pass it on, hiding it on someone else. The equivalent of being iced.

Had cooler ideas, but this is just some.

Let's see if /r9k/ can be cool as it once was.