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Tard Thread

No.3195618 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let the feel threads and the kissless virgin threads wait for a minute. Lets get a good, old fashion tard thread.

>Be in elementary school
>Get put in special ed not because I'm special but because I had some anger problems
>Stupid school think to help my anger problems they should put me in the same room as a shitload of severely retarded people
>This one retard named John used to piss the shit out of me
>Little gay faggot who tried to sexually assault people including myself
>People made it a game.
>The idea of the game was to provoke the retarded kid and make him chase you around
>The losers got raped
>There were rarely winners
>I was in the upper leagues of this game because I was the target to John and I had the most experience.
>Was playing the game one day at recess
>John comes running up
>I thought about making it interesting and let him get close
>Bad idea
>He managed to grab me and with his tard strength the best me over the swing (I swear he had a boner) and pulled up his shirt was yelled "I WANT YOUR NIPPLES"
>What the fuck
>Elbow him in the side and get away
>Tell the teacher that I got raped.
>Tard got timeout
>Complained to the special ed teacher about what was happening
>She claimed that we were friends proving she's not smarter than a 4th grader (no pun intended that show sucks)

Another time
>I walk into the special ed trailer to face the horror that was my life.
>Teachers are sitting around being smartasses
>I say something
>Teacher makes smartass remark.
>John yells something sexual at me
>I say "Don't make me hurt you"
>Get a day out of school suspension