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Threads by latest replies - Page 14

[1152434662] ITT Niggers

No.3892 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Give me your best nigger s-jis!
15 posts omitted

[1241918578] speech bubbles

No.10130 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
|  fill
\_____ _______________
         ∨ |  in 
           \_ ___________
  __          ∨
/  /|        ∧_∧  ∧ ∧    ./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| ̄ ̄|/|       (´∀`;) (゚Д゚ )   < the blanks
| ̄ ̄| | ̄ ̄ ̄|\_(_   ) ⊂_|___ |
| ̄ ̄| |___| ∧_∧ ̄ ̄ ̄  ////|.\_____
| ̄ ̄| |___|(    )____| ̄ ̄ ̄|/|
| ̄ ̄      ( ○  )      ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
|  Offic    | | |      任天堂 |  |
|           (_(_)       セガ |/
4 posts omitted

[1111566095] J( 'ー`)し MOTHER THREAD

No.514 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
┃                              ┃
┃            J( 'ー`)し             ┃
┃              ( )              ┃
┃               | |               .┃
┃              【Mom】             ┃
┃                              ┃
┃      If there is the one who saw her,     .┃
┃  please be dutiful to her while she is alive. .┃
┃                              ┃
39 posts omitted

[1236330629] SJIS Art fonts

No.8892 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is http://monafont.sourceforge.net/index-e.html the latest font that everyone is using? Or has the whole SJIS art scene moved on to IPAmonafont, or are they the same thing as far as viewing art goes?

[1258422934] Help!

No.10511 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm looking for a one-line SJIS emoticon.
He had eyes half closed (one bigger than the other one) and it was grinning.

Thanks in advance...?

[1256355485] 姦

No.10475 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ( ▲▲) <    CAVE
        /   ▲ |    \_______
       /       .|     
       / "⌒ヽ |.イ |
   __ |   .ノ | || |__
  .    ノく__つ∪∪   \
    ̄ ̄ヽつ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | ̄
2 posts omitted

[1172468857] Is this properly translated ????

ID:F735OVqQ No.5575 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sitting on the road quietly,

I'm mumbling to myself and(with) the floating clouds.

I don't need the days like that... Listen, Let's throw away tears in the blue sky!

I can't sleep...

Feeling lonely...

I want you to come to meet...

I'll say goodbye to coward myself.

As I seemed to be smashed by dreams or hopes,

I've never have a courage to step forward.

羽ばたいて ずっと君の側で
Forever, I stay by your side fluttering.

Anything is not scary for me any longer.

From now, certainly, we have our endless future.

Though I don't know what'll happen,

I'll never look back (at past).

Having been drawing close to tenderness by my side

想い出を 抱き締めて膝を抱えてた
or I've been taking on my knees and have been holding memories in my arms.

Also I want to behave like a spoilt child,

But, I want to walk on believing myself.

茜色の空に誓うよ 落ち込んでも負けないから
I swear upon the sky madder color. I'll never lose if I'm depressed.

これからはもっと 無限大の二人の夢今探しに行こう
Hereafter, let's go to find our infinite dreams.

We can walk to wherever, surely...

We can overcome any pains whatever.

君の笑顔だけ心に抱いて 空に描いた街を目指そう
Having only your smiles in my mind, go toward a town which I'd drown in the sky.

Let's go over the bridge of rainbow.

God may smiles us. (May God smile upon us)

We'll be able to hear the song of angels.

羽ばたいて ずっと君の側で
Forever, I stay by your side fluttering.

Anything is not scary for me any longer.

Korekara wa kitto mugendai no -- ?

Futari no yume ima sagashini yukou -- ?

Listen, Let's throw away tears in the blue sky!

[1251880761] Shift_JIS

No.10418 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This board is called SJIS but the encoding is UTF-8, not Shift_JIS.  What gives?
5 posts omitted

[1116014266] still needs more dickgirls

No.636 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>>>>           /⌒ヽ⌒ヽ
>>>>            /     Y   ヽ
>>>>         /     八   ヽ
>>>>        (   __//. ヽ ,,,,. )
>>>>          l ヘ | fエ fエ レ'く   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
>>>>          ヾ从ハ~~ ヮ~ノノリ) < わたしは女性ですわよ♪
>>>>             _ノ〕 ー'〔__"     \__________
>>>>             r"  ^  ^ `ヽ.
>>>>          l  f    Y   ヘ i
>>>>             | i、 ゜ ノ、 ゜ ノ |
>>>>          | )      〈 j
>>>>            V   ,    V
>>>>           f       j
>>>>             f  、    ,  i
>>>>           |  ヽξξノ   }
>>>>              |   (U)   |
>>>>            |    ll   |
2 posts omitted

[1123802573] Testing a Shiichan bug fix

No.806 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

This thread is now about happiness!
5 posts omitted