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No.11924555 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Absolutely fucking nothing is greater than America. Know why? Because America has both freedom and liberty.

Take that Angola.

Budweiser, fake tits, the V8, Little Debbies, the Fourth of July, all you can eat buffets, Viagra, yeah, America invented all that shit. Not enough for you? Tell you what, every other country that’s been to the moon raise your hand.

That’s what we thought.

If America’s not the best country ever, then why did Jesus invent it? See, you can’t argue with that logic.

The best thing about being an American is that, to be one, all you have to do is be born here. That shit is in the Constitution. Only people born in the greatest country in the history of everything can be Americans. That’s what makes America so great. That and Skynyrd.

So that means that if you are a Mexican, you can’t be an American. If you are Japanese, nope, you can’t either. Same thing if you are British or Scottish. France? Hell, they’ve had 50 years and haven’t produced a single good rock song. No way any French person could be an American. I can’t believe we haven’t bombed those pussies.

Shit, we should make it a habit of invading some country of every ten years or so just so we can make sure we get to hear Lee Greenwood remind us of how fucking awesome we are.