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[4 / 0 / ?]

[1362613933] Sequel hell

No.14935 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I cringe about "Star Wars 7" and "Anchorman 2".
If anyone has earned my trust, it's Joss Whedon when he made "Dr. Horrible".
Dr Horrible was angry at the world for giving him the short end of the stick and wanted to take it out on everyone, not caring who he hurt. Captain Hammer was a a misogynist that enjoys using women and hurting people for fun, but he gets away with it because he hurts the right people. Penny is a genuinely good person but refuses to acknowledge just how bad everything really is. And personally, I think those are the worst people of all. They're the people who loudly give a can of food to a drive and then take it as a card to turn their head away from the actual suffering around them. They make excuses for the people they like, and assume the worst of those they don't when they're not busy just ignoring that they exist. They'll see someone dying of an easily treatable bacterial infection on the street and buy him a cheeseburger and then talk for years about how ungrateful the guy was to hardly even nibble at it.

Dr.Horrible sees Penny die, it confirms everything Dr. Horrible needed to hear to become a villain: the world is corrupt and we need to burn it down and start over.