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[1369129663] Doctor Who - The Name of The Doctor

No.15192 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Seeing as this is a Moffat episode, that might actually be worth watching, I think I'm going to do one last review of Doctor Who.

Fans seem to be going into this episode, thinking the oh-so-foreshadowed Name of The Doctor is going to be revealed in the episode called The Name of The Doctor. As I've seen the other finales, and as I'm not a deluded fool, I knew they wouldn't. I mean, let's say his name was "John". Then what? Is uttering the name "John" alone going to somehow "make silence fall" and all that other shit? There's simply no name so awesome enough that even Doctor Who fans would believe it would be worth all this hype over. There's "God" and "The Devil", but that would just piss fans off for other reasons. We don't hear the name at all. Nobody does. Rivers just whispers it off-camera. The end.

With that anti-climax out of the way, this episode was nothing more than drama. The plot was that The Great Intelligence was to enter the time-line and fuck things up, and then Clara fixes things again, but apart from that, there's no sense to be had from start to finish. There's ass-pulls, there's convenience, there's romantic words, there's strings and tears, but if you start to think about how ANY of it would make sense, the episode will just crumble to dust. "Hold on to this leaf, Clara! It's symbolism will SAVE you!" "Oh noes, he murders women, so we can't possibly spare his life, but our companion is just a hilarious dofus who just kills people indiscriminately whereever he goes, so he's alright."

I'm not going to pick apart this episode for you stupidity for stupidity, because that would take all fricking day. This has turned into Pro Wrestling for girls. Thanks for turning a masculine series into a 100% feminine one, Moffat. You've managed to completely alienate the entire fricking fanbase.