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[1379624699] Cylon cunt bitches

No.15492 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it me, or are the new Cylons the biggest whiners and bullies ever?
They start a war by nuking 12 worlds, reducing humanity from, let's be generous and say each world had 2 billion people, so 24 billion, down to 50,000.
And every time a human kills one of them, they start crying and yelling "murderer! monster! how could you do that!"
I really wonder what they could possibly have expected.

It makes perfect sense considering the first Cylon/Skinjob AI was created in the image of a spoiled brat of a teenage girl turned terrorist.

they were just spoiled brats who never got enough attention from their mommy and daddy so they went on a killing spree to wipe out humanity.